
10DLC A2P SMS Brand and Campaign Registration


Welcome to 10DLC messaging on FreeClimb. With 10DLC messaging, you will be able to send and receive messages on local DID phone numbers.To get you up and running, we need to first register the brand/company that the messages will be associated with, and then register a “campaign” that describes the purpose of the messaging — e.g., two-factor authentication, marketing, customer care, political outreach, etc. — and any special campaign or content attributes.When both brand and campaign registrations are complete, you will be able to assign one or more FreeClimb phone numbers to your campaign.Let’s get started!

Step OneFreeClimb 10DLC Brand Registration

Step TwoFreeClimb 10DLC Campaign Registration

Please make sure you have a Brand ID before proceeding with 10DLC Campaign registration.

Before final submission of a campaign registration, we will first contact you to share preliminary carrier terms to determine if further MNO review is required and to verify Throughput-per-Minute (TPM) caps and Message Class (AT&T only) classifications meet your business objectives.

10DLC Carrier Terms Preview Example

10DLC Carrier Terms Preview Example

Please note: As indicated in the form below, your SMS solution is required to support subscriber OPT-IN, OPT-OUT, and HELP requests. Please make sure to provide detailed information where required.

Please check each box below for all applicable use cases for this campaign.

Step ThreeLink Phone Numbers

You are now ready to login to your FreeClimb account and associate your 10DLC-enabled phone numbers to your campaign. For off-net numbers that are not managed on the FreeClimb platform, please refer to our Pro Tip below.

pro tip

Off-Net 10DLC Phone Number A2P SMS-Enablement

If you want to A2P SMS-enable a non-FreeClimb phone number, you will need to download a Letter of Agency (LOA) for the requested numbers and send to [email protected].Once the LOA is received, we will initiate the process for A2P SMS-enablement and inform you when the requested number(s) will be available to manage in the FreeClimb dashboard.

Note: an off-net 10DLC number will be enabled for A2P 10DLC SMS traffic only. Voice traffic will not be ported to FreeClimb.

Copyright © 2024 FreeClimb LLC – All rights reserved.

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